Lets start off with 11th July 2008.
Today erm..friday rite..Came home from school wah damn sleepy. Then wanted to sleep but haven't complete the cards for Mel and Nic Nic. Haiz..
Then start doing lorh. Manatau can't find colour paper. Search the whole house for them -.-
Then finally found and got started on it. I don't have any idea how to decorate the card. So I think and think and think. Then want to hang the star on the card. Did one knot on the benang then glued it inside the star. Manatau can be pulled out wan -.- Must tukar. Then I just take 2 stars then stick together, the benang put in the middle =) JADI! Hehe. So both card also do same thing. Just that inside write different thing ^^
See the star, so cute and special. For my Nic Nic Baby and also Mevin Doink xD
The gathering started late cause of some problems xD And everything kinda moved slow. Hmm. But overall, in my opinion was okay. Reached home at 12.10am. Slept at 1am.
Next..today, 12th July 2008.
Woke up at 6.10am. Wah, so late -.-
Then get ready and off to school. Reach there the nasi lemak stall open. Mum bought nasi lemak for house and bought kuih for me. Then saw Irfanah. Why wear Set B de? Then she say Kalvinder told everyone to wear Set B -.- Nvr tell me larh. SHUEN! Nvm larh. I was the only one special xD
Think positive ma =)
Then everyone reach liao.
Me, Irfanah, Kalvinder, Sin Nee, Afiq and Yogy.
All go Telekom there to wait for bus. (Public Bus)
Then Shi Chee call. She also come? 0.o
Then call her run to bus stop xD
Bus come at 7.39am. How I remember? Ticket there got time ma ^^
Then all stand. Eventhough got seats. We still stand. Do Perkhidmatan Sukarela xD
Then go Maluri there geh LRT station. Take LRT. RM1.20 to Jalan Hang Tuah. Hmm. I have no idea why in LRT time everyone keep laughing like got something funny happen nia. Then reach Jln Hang Tuah liao got people from Vi school wait for us there. Then escort us to their school. First go toilet first cause want change clothes ma. Go out cannot pamerkan BSM geh clothes geh. That is called menyalahgunakan lambang -.-
We not like Sien John xD
Then go dewan. Damn sien first first. All also cakap-cakap wan. Sien lorh. Then eating time liao.
Kalvinder and Sin Nee.
Their sketch. Damn nice and funny. =)
I got prize for this though..hehe. One of the three last couple. So got present lorh. They call me cute nerh -.-
Then the person that suppose to gimme present de ask me give Eugene a hug.. EEW!!
I don't hug any guys!! But play play nia larh. So he just giv the present without the hug =)
3rd Game. Is.....One boy, one girl, tie the balloon at the feet then go around popping people's balloon. This game I didn't play. Afiq and Sin Nee played.
Yogy, Afiq, Me, Kalvin and Nee.
Haha. That time damn hot the sun -.-
Stupid sun. Reach home liao then rain owh -.-ll
Then rest a while then only go BB lorh. BB nothing much I guess. I realise something today. Everytime in class I won't talk wan, correct bo? I always very tiam wan. Teacher ask something also I won't raise up my hand to answer. Only when teacher ask me then I will answer. Eventhough I know the answer, I won't scream it out loud. What am I afraid of? Why can't I just shout it out loud. So what if its wrong?
But normally what I'm thinking, its the answer what. Why is it so hard? Hmm, gotta cure that sickness. Then today drill? No drill larh. Today Sir want test teamwork. He say everyone must pace his footsteps. So everyone follow. Got once, run, wah, stomach pain pula -.-
Like the eat full full then run geh pain -.-
Sir ask me rest but I insist of running xD
So follow lorh. Run for like more than 4 rounds. Around the whole Bt 9. Damn shuang. Not tiring at all =)
Then go back SJKC Bt 9 then Yin Yee say her hp hilang. Ta lost her watch -.-
Sir ask all go ask around. Then the people there say got one man wear specs de took liao..haha
Then after a while, sir say found liao. Ask go back Church. Wah, we reach there, all dismiss time liao -.-
Then dismiss lorh. Cut short xD
Today finish 6.10pm. Damn rush lorh. Reach home, my dad haven't bathe eh. He go ba chi the bathroom -.-
So I wait lorh. I went in the bathroom at 6.20 then came out at 6.30. Normally will leave house at 6.30 de. Zadou -.-ll
Then some more need go one uncle house take forms for some event. Then some more outside jam -.-
Reach church at 7.10. Wah that time I damn sleepy lerh. Nvm. Tahan gila-gila this time xD
Some more headache -.-
I realise one more thing. Long time didn't sing liao xD
Everyday also so busy. Never with my laptop T.T
Miss it so damn muchie..
Tomorrow got go SS. Mabel will bring her school cf t-shirt =)
I simply buy..wakaka..yeng ma xD
Some more other school geh t-shirt owh ^^
I realise that I'm always the observer and never the observed.
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