Tuesday, February 04, 2014


The main reason I turned my computer on was to watch Escape Plan.
I on my computer at 10+ and now it is 12.40am and I have not even searched for the movie yet.
Even watch movie also slack.

Anyway, I've decided not to skip classes to go Johor.

& I know I have been delaying my posts :\
Too many holidays make people lazy :D
& hungry?

Have been eating a lot lesser this Chinese New Year compared to last year?
Because last year CNY I was in Penang.
Penang is basically a food paradise.
How can you not eat like a pig there?

And so, I spent CNY in KL which is the least "lau juak" place in Malaysia.
Everyone basically go back to their hometown but hey, KL is my hometown :D
I don't need to balik kampung, I am in my kampung everyday :D

BUT, boring.
See North, see South, see East, see West, all also everyday see.
Nothing new.
Nothing interesting.

Except the part where I get to meet my relatives, both mum side and dad side.
Basically CNY was so so.

No pictures this CNY. *facepalm

Too lazy to even snap pictures.

Back to college tomorrow.

1 comment:

law of attraction said...

They got in touch with LoA