Hmm...friday I got present sumore =) From kai zhen, jm and also yee lian..
This cute lil bunny with a LOVE on it ^^
I thought it was a normal hp accessory until Sunday. Hmm. I hang it on my bag cause I'm not allowed to hang it on my hp. Ps.
Normally go SS time I will put my hp on my bag de. Then while waiting for one uncle to fetch me to church, sudd it flash ^^
So cute lerh. Then I checked my hp. See got new msg =)
Till sunday oni i realise how special it was..Thx guys! Appreciate it a lot!!
Then I decided to switch place to hang..
Hmm..watever larh.
K lets start with stories..
Hmm..saturday? Hmm..woke up at 6.10am =)
Then went school at 7am. Normal BSM activities carried out. But today not really normal cause 2 pegawai cabang came. Came 1st to check uniform and second to give some advice. He tell us that its okay not to be good in kawad cause kawad is not the base of BSM. The base of BSM is to serve humanity. Lend a helping hand to those in need of it. And don't care whatever other uniform people tell us or even tease that their kawad is way better than us, especially St John cause St John actually has forgotten that their base is also not kawad. Is saving lives. The pegawai say if you love kawad so much, go join KRS or kadet polis xD
It all ended at 10 something, that is after the penutup then all the AJK kumpul at 5 Alfa kheng gai xD
Then practice 'Standing In The Eyes Of The World' =)
Love that song. Then Hjun came my house. Hjun, Sheryl and I went market together lorh ^^
Damn happy..first time going MARKET with friends xD
Go at around 10.40 then came back at 11.30 xD
So long we walk..
Then me and Hjun eat lorh. At 12.30 I started polishing then me and Hjun talk lorh. She checked my hp xD
Then I fell asleep xD
At 1.20 like that, Jit Hau came with motor and fetch her home. Then I was alone again -.-
Haiz. Then I bathe and get ready for BB lorh.
Then go BB lorh. Tk ish!! I talked to him, then he ignored me. Then the next moment, he turn around then ask me when I came owh -.-
Then nvm larh. Bible class..Chged group liao. My group leader is Joshua Ong =)
Group members ...Josh Ng, Daniel Ng, Josh BH and Samson. Haha. All the Josh in my group xD
Then sumore the ending part we get the highest mark =)
Then start sd lorh. Ok larh this time. Melvin lead good lerh =)
Then drill liao. Learnt belakang pusing. I realise most of the drill way all same like St John de. BSM wan damn diff lorh. That day I go BSM kawad, wah I sudd damn blurr @.@ All I do wrong.
Then after dismiss I see my dad haven't come de. So I just lepak larh =)
Then finally my dad came at 6.25 to fetch me. Reach home my mum say go church. I wanted to bathe but my dad entered the bathroom so I just change clothes and off to church -.-
Then reach home at 9pm.
Bathe and eat. Then watch "I do, I do" xD
Nice lerh that show =)
Then sleep at 10.30pm =)
Then today, sunday, 3rd August 2008. Woke up at 9am. Then get ready for church and waited for the uncle to come fetch me. Then reach church at 10.55. Entered class and lesson started. Today's title = The gift of sexuality from God -.-
The meaning of sexuality is not SEX! Its about the character and everything bout an individual!
Divided into groups again -.-
Again all the Joshua in my group -.-ll
Joshua William and Joshua Navin -.-
Then we discussed bout how do you live out the virtues of purity, modesty and self-control..
My group didn't really give a lot ideas cause all so tiam wan -.-
I do the writting lorh, as usual.
K so...the points..
1. Praying/Youth activities
2. Surround ourselve with positive things
3. Controlling feelings
4. Getting the right knowledge
5. Stay AWAY from porn
6. Setting boundaries
7. Seeking guidance from older people
8. Mix and mingle with the correct people
9. Think before you act
And according to the Catholic law, condoms are not encouraged when having sex.
Hmm, if God really want both the couple to have a baby, nothing can stop it.
Aiyo, then Josh ask...any way of having sex also can arh? No rules right? Then Jacky also explain. There is no right or wrong in the position of having sex -.-
Then Josh ask again..If use handcuff also can arh? -.-ll
Then teacher say use wip also can -.-ll ZADOU!!
Then Josh say, okay, today I go buy handcuff -.-ll
Then teacher say not at the age of 16!! Then Josh replied, I buy for the future -.-ll
argh!! they are crazy!!
Teacher gave a phrase today..AN IDEAL MIND, IS THE MIND OF A DEVIL!! =)
Then she gave homework larh -.- Obviously right..Hmm..she ask to compare the lyrics of 2 songs bout sex wan. One the good one, one the bad 0.o
Huh? Got good and bad wan arh? @.@
Haha. Well, whatever larh. I find cathecism fun when Jacky is teaching. She damn open de. And sumore she's like nearly our age. So its easy to talk to her =)
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